- Article II of our constitution states:
The purpose of this club will be exclusively charitable. To promote Sportsmanship and Horsemanship for recreational purpose. To encourage and train young people in handling and care of horses.Monthly Meetings
We meet the first Monday of every month at 7:00pm. Meeting location is at the Ashland Optimist building just off of Henry Clay Blvd in Ashland.
Download Fileconstitution.pdf File Size: 28 kb File Type: pdf Officers:
PresidentVice PresidentTreasurerSecretaryTony CrockerHeather MartinMisie CraneAmanda CrockerBoard of Directors:
Janice SpearsBruce GlascockRichard MartinJohn CraneBill CraneCommittee Chairs:
Fun ShowsTrail RidesBarrel RacesParadesArena CalendarRanch ShowOpenTony CrockerAshton WarrenOpenAmanda CrockerJoe RussellThe Saddle Club was formed in the spring of 1960. Officers were
President: Carolyn Carruth, Vice-President: Frank Sapp,
Secretary/Treasurer: Evelyn Short. Charter Members included: Jerry &
Ruth Crane, Rollie & Mable Sapp, Carl Henry, Frank Sapp, Paul Sapp,
Hulen (Pappy) & Mary Sapp, L.T. Sapp, Roy & Margaret Smith, Bobbie &
Ruby Garrett, Keith & Mary Peterson, Mitchell & Doris Martin, Ed & Inez
Gardner, Douglas & Bodie Glascock, Joe & Helen Smith, Bill Burnett,
Robert & Evelyn Short, Gene & Doris Hamilton, J.T. & Eva Benedict,
Charles & Ginger Gibson, Babe Carruth, Carolyn Carruth, Herb Brigham,
Bill & Ruth Browning
Herb Brigham wrote the club charter. Meetings were held at the
Englewood Club House. Ruth Crane made the club flag. The first Horse
Show was held at Keith Peterson’s ranch in 1965, which is where the Blue
Grass Subdivision in Ashland is located now. The arena was built on the
property of Jerry Crane and leased to the Saddle Club.
The first Cattlemen Days Rodeo was held on September 14-15, 1973.
Mid-States Rodeo Company owned by Johnny Walters of Kirksville,
Missouri was the stock contractor. The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association
sponsored the first rodeo, with the cooperation of the Cedar Valley Riders
Saddle Club, Ashland Optimist Club and the Businessmen and Merchants
of Ashland.
The Saddle Club left the Jerry Crane property in 1984 and the rodeo was
held at the University of Missouri arena in 1985. In 1990, land was leased
from the Optimist Club in Ashland and a new arena was built where
various activities such as the Cattlemen Days Rodeo, 4-H practices &
shows, mounted shooting practices & competitions, barrel racing jackpots,
Missouri High School Rodeos, and horse shows take place year-round.
History Submitted by Mary Martin